I will witness him

Cristina Nicole

His-Story for me continues and I am grateful.

I have so much fun and joy creating and letting my imagination play out in design. 

Every garment is so personal and heartfelt.  Ooeey gooey mushiness:)

Reading His word, singing His praise, hearing a word of confirmation, and my favorite quality time – you know, the ones just laying on the floor and chatting with God the best BFF ever!  My time of imagination.

My hope is that every design reminds us to have fun and smile with God every day.


“I am with you – this is the Lord’s declaration.”  
Haggai 1:13.

I Will Trust Him

believe learn

Founded in 2023 ALMA CRISTINA took root.

With no background in the fashion industry and uncertain how to navigate, I stepped out in complete faith.

I can’t say it has been easy.  Throughout this process I hit setbacks, obstacles, had moments of doubt, questioned my choices and even thoughts of giving up.

During those overwhelming moments all I had was prayer and praise. 

A journey of surrender, a heart being set free, a spirit revived, worth found, and value learned, but most importantly – I began to understand my purpose.

…Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie.  Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late. 

Habakkuk 2:2-3.


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